Friday, March 6, 2020

How Can I Make My Own Dress Pattern

How Can I Make My Own Dress Pattern You Too Can Make Your Own Dress Patterns ChaptersGetting Starting: Gathering SuppliesGetting the Measurements RightFinding Inspiration for Your PatternsPutting it all TogetherMost of us don’t exactly fit in the narrow spectrum of sizing espoused by the clothing industry.We’ve gotten used to blouses that don’t fit quite right, to wearing our trousers around our hips so that they will be long enough and to wearing tunic dresses while wishing we could wear an A-line dress.Still, those of us who exceed the industry’s average sizing by only a bit have it better than Caroline Welz who, at 206cm in height, is the tallest woman in Germany.Or Zainab Bibi, who was granted asylum in Britain after fleeing her home country because her extreme height of 218cm made her a target for violence.What about Jessica Pardoe? At 208cm, she is officially the tallest British woman. She shops online for her clothes and, according to her, they are much more expensive than any clothes in the shops.Wait a minute, what are we saying?If you want t o wear an A-line dress but can’t find one in your size or a pattern for it, you can make one! And if you want an open-back summer dress with a flared skirt, you can make a pattern for it, too.You can make any sewing pattern you want, from a wrap dress to a knit dress… all the way to a dress tunic that flatters rather than conceals your shape.Already the objections flow: ‘I’m not a designer’, ‘I’m not a pattern maker’ and ‘I don’t know a thing about pattern drafting!’There, do you have that out of your system?Perhaps the only thing stopping you from sewing your own clothes is that you need to learn how to sew but nothing is stopping you from designing your own dress patterns and your Superprof is going to show you how to do it.And, just in case you didn’t know, your Superprof has sewing tutors standing by to help you learn how to sew, too… If you're fed up with high prices for a dress that will fit you right, make your own dress pattern! Image by Michal Jarmoluk from PixabayYour first step in pattern drafting is gathering the tools and supplies you need.We want to focus a moment on pattern paper and our first question to you is: have you ever studied a Newlook, Butterick or McCall’s sewing pattern? Not the lines and symbols â€" we’ll get to them soon enough, but the quality of the paper itself.Pattern paper seems to be very thin, like onion skin tracing paper, right?This type of paper, thin and translucent as it is, is ideal for making patterns because it has a high cotton fibre content, which makes it resistant to tears.When you go to your sewing supplies shop, you will find many different types of paper for pattern-making, from the SpotCross type to paper that is already gridded. You may even find packs of Burda Style tissue paper for sale!Naturally, you should buy the paper you feel would give you the best resul ts; the one you could best work with. However, we would like to give you a few things to think about:A roll of paper works better than sheets for pattern-making; you won’t have any crease marks to mar your pattern and your paper will always be long enough.You might find that the ‘busier’ the paper is â€" the more markings it has, the more distracting it can bechoosing paper that has light grid lines may be a good ‘starter’ pattern paperAvoid standard craft paper; it is too thick and heavy for pattern making (but it is great for drawing!)Likewise, reconsider your selection of tracing paper; it may not hold up well for pattern makingDo consider buying template card stock; we will explain why shortlyThe right paper is essential to pattern-making but you will need other tools and accessories to make patterns for sewing your own clothes.You can find a complete list of tools you will need in our pattern-making basics article.Getting the Measurements RightObviously, the most crit ical aspect of making a dress pattern â€" or a pattern for a wrap skirt, patterns for loungewear or even a pajama pattern is getting the measurements.Equally obvious is that contorting yourself to measure every aspect of your body is likely to yield an inaccurate result.Even the seemingly easy measures, say from your shoulder to your wrist might not be wholly correct â€" and how could you measure from the nape of your neck to the base of your spine?To obtain your exact measurements, you have a couple of choices: you can ask a friend you feel comfortable with to measure you or you could endure a session in a dressmaking shop to be professionally measured.However, the dressmaker might not be thrilled to spend so much time recording your every measure but not getting a commission for any sewing project. It is impossible to measure yourself accurately to make a shirt pattern or a skirt pattern Image by Myriam Zilles from PixabayThere is another way you can measure yourself without making anyone angry or feeling embarrassed…Your Superprof has outlined the easiest way to obtain your measurements without offending a seamstress in an article titled How to Adapt Sewing Patterns.Now, let’s get to that template card stock we recommended you buy, along with your other pattern-making supplies.You will not want to measure yourself each time you wish to make yourself something new to wear; for that reason, you should create a sloper.In the fashion industry, a sloper is a size template that pattern drafters use so that they don’t have to measure again and again.You may be new to making your own patterns and, by extension sewing your own clothes but we intuit that you will move quickly beyond beginner sewing and make more stunning outfits tailored to your figure.For that reason, you will pr obably need to make three slopers: a bodice, a skirt sloper and a trouser sloper.You can learn all about slopers and how to turn them into patterns for clothes in our in-depth article on pattern-making…At this point, you have your templates â€" slopers, but you are not yet ready to make patterns.Finding Inspiration for Your Patterns“We have nothing for you” â€" shopkeeper in Kunming, China upon seeing an overly tall/large customer browsing the racks of clothes.If you’ve ever been driven out of a dress shop, either by the seething/sneering stares levelled at you or more overtly, as that Chinese shopkeeper did, you know what it feels like to be publicly shamed.This time, it's their shame! You have a cloak of assuredness guiding your discerning eye; you only want to see what can be had. The getting will be done later, once you’ve drawn your pattern.There is nothing wrong with you taking inspiration from clothing hanging in the shops or anything you see online.For instance, if you like how asymmetrical hemlines set off your height, feel free to incorporate one into your prospective design. Likewise, if you prefer a scoop neckline to a boat neck, there is nothing wrong with borrowing that idea.By no means are we suggesting copying the designs of any famous labels and in no way are we encouraging you to counterfeit designer clothing!The idea behind looking at an assortment of designs is to find what works best for you, what features and aspects you like and what you feel you would be most comfortable wearing.You may also look at sewing patterns; Kwik Sew and Sew Easy are just two names that have patterns in modern styles. You could look at Vogue patterns if you are angling for more classic lines.If you’re cruising around online, you might try Lookbook, and even Simplicity Patterns has a lot to offer in the way of style and design.You could also visit your local sewing store to paw through their pattern bins. Don’t know where one is? Find out in our whe re to buy patterns article… You may use dress forms to see how your dress drapes Image by Nikola Belopitov from PixabayPutting it all TogetherYou now have some great ideas for the dress you want to make and you have a sloper â€" a template of your measurements. You also have the tools you need to make your first pattern.It is now time to put everything together.Earlier, we mentioned you do not need to be an artist to make clothing patterns. Now is the time to prove our point.You will use an assortment of guides â€" the straightedge, square and French curve you bought, to draw your pattern.Place your slope under your paper so you will know how long to draw the skirt and how to draw the bodice.Now, add embellishment: if you want your dress to have a square neck, you may use your L-square to draw precise angles. If you want the skirt to be pleated, you only need to draw vertical lines from the waist to the hem.And so it goes: if you want cuffed sleeves, draw them in. If you are making a wrap dress pattern, don’t forget to draw in the sash.Once you have your dress completely drawn, it is only a matter of making each pattern piece. Don’t forget to incorporate a 5/8 inch seam allowance!You should end up with at least 2 skirt pieces (front and back), a waistband (unless you are sewing a tunic dress), and 2-3 pieces for the bodice, depending on whether you want it to button.You may also have a collar or neckline piece and you may need some interfacing for your collar. You may also opt for sleeves and cuffs.Once you are done with dress sewing, you can wear your new fit-and-flare dress to your first class so you can learn how to make patterns for more cute clothes!

Kitchen Wars (Or Not) How to Professionally and Respectfully Share the Office Kitchen - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Kitchen Wars (Or Not) How to Professionally and Respectfully Share the Office Kitchen - Introvert Whisperer Kitchen Wars (Or Not): How to Professionally and Respectfully Share the Office Kitchen Anna Aamone January 21, 2015 Communication, Office Politics No responses Go to top Having issues with the colleagues on the workplace is actually normal. When people with different characteristics spend so much time together every day in one or two rooms, things can become pretty intense. You dont have to feel stressed about your trips to the office kitchen, though. Coworkers ordinarily communicate most in the office kitchen, which leads to more conflicts and tension. It’s not necessary for things to go bad, though, especially because that makes work more tedious than it has to be. Take advantage of these tips to professionally and respectfully share the office kitchen with the other people at work. 1. Remember Your Manners No one said you have to become best friends with the people from your office in order to be able to work in peace every day. It’s enough simply to follow basic etiquette, which will allow you to go through every day without any unpleasant problems or conflicts. 2. Share the Space Always remember the fact that the kitchen is for everybody. When you’re not getting along with a colleague, there is nothing easier than starting a fight in this “less formal” work space. You have to accept the fact that the kitchen in your office is for everybody, and it’s still part of your office so you must learn to coexist even with the colleagues you don’t like. 3. Keep It Clean Maintain the place as cleanly as possible. The cleanness of the office kitchen is very important and shouldnt be underestimated. Even when there is a maid or other professional cleaner who comes to clean it regularly, you have to avoid making a big mess because this is enough reason for significant tension to crop up with your colleagues. Same goes for the messes of others within reason, of course. It’s better to wipe up the coffee spill or throw away the piece of trash than to start drama over something very small. 4. Don’t Hog the Fridge There is enough space in the fridge for everyone, but there might not be room for everything. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) The space in the refrigerator in the office kitchen is limited, and this could potentially create a conflict among the people in the office. Only store things in the fridge that you plan to eat immediately and only put things in the fridge that really need to be kept cold. 5. Don’t Pick Fights Dont provoke your colleagues and don’t respond to the bait they throw your way, either. The stressful environment of work can easily make you more susceptible to provocations, especially when you’re already dealing with some tension with a colleague who just happens to need a coffee refill at the same time you do. There is no need for more tension, so just try to ignore any provocations. This will save you a lot of troubles and the peace in your office will be preserved. 6. Leave It How You Found It Leave the kitchen in the same state of order and cleanliness it was in when you walked in. Some people think that since they are not at home, they aren’t obliged to perform any kind of cleaning or organizing. The kitchen in your office needs as much cleaning and cares as the one in your home. The major cleaning and disinfection may still be the responsibility of the cleaning staff, but you simply must clean up after yourself for the sake of your coworkers. Don’t leave a mess and you wont have any problems. Go to top Do you have any other office kitchen survival tips? Share them in the comments! Image: Flickr Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Transitions for Better Cohesion

Transitions for Better Cohesion Cohesion is what helps your reader understand the connection between your ideas. Transitions and conjunctions are the words and phrases that build cohesion. Here is a list of cohesion-building words. I have designed the Virtual Writing Tutors Cohesion Checker to measure the cohesion in your text by looking for transitions and conjunctions. When the system detects cohesion in your text, it displays a bar graph showing you what categories of transition words and conjunctions you have used. An example of the feedback from the cohesion checker If you dont use cohesion words in your text, you have a problem. Your writing will seem choppy and disconnected to your reader. On the other extreme, it is also possible to use too many cohesion words, which your reader will find awkward and distracting. Cohesion Words Coordinating Conjunctions and but for nor or so yet Subordinating Conjunctions as as if as though because before even even if if in order that rather than since so that than that though unless until when whenever while Transitions Indicating a Time Order after a long time after a short while afterward at present at the same time at this moment concurrently currently earlier former formerly henceforth hereafter heretofore in retrospect in the future in the past not long after not long ago of late preceding presently previously prior to recently right after right away simultaneously soon after thereafter until now yesterday Transitions Indicating a Contrast different from even though in contrast in opposition to nonetheless on the contrary on the other hand opposing otherwise regardless the antithesis of the reverse of to differ from to differentiate to oppose up against whereas a clear difference a distinct difference a striking difference a strong distinction against although an opposing view and yet another distinction balanced against by contrast contrarily contrary to conversely counter to despite Transitions Indicating a Comparison along the same lines analogous to as compared with as well as by comparison comparable comparatively compared to consistent with correlate correspondingly equal equivalent identical in a similar fashion in comparison in like manner in the same manner in the same way like likewise matching meanwhile of little difference parallel to relative to relatively resemble resembling similarly synonymous to the same extent too uniformly where Transitions Indicating Causes and Effects accordingly as a consequence as a result because of this by reason of caused by consequently due to for this purpose for this reason hence in effect in view of on account of otherwise owing to the end result the outcome the ramifications thereafter therefore thus to this end Transitions Indicating a Sequence at first at last at the beginning at the end at the onset commencing with concluded with concluding with embark final finally first following that from this point immediately in the end in the first in the last in the second in the third in turn initially last later on next occasion once place second /secondly so far starting with subsequently the final point the following week the latter the second stage third to begin with Transitions for Introducing Additional Information again also and then besides following this further furthermore in addition lastly now so too whats more Transitions for Introducing Examples a case in point an analogy another way as an example as an illustration consider consider as an illustration for example for instance for one thing in another case in one example in order to clarify in particular in the following manner in this case in this situation in this specific instance more exactly namely on this occasion specifically such as suppose that take the case of that is to be exact to bring to light to clarify to demonstrate to exemplify to explain to illuminate to illustrate to put another way to show Transitions for Emphasis and Intensification above all actually after all as a matter of fact certainly decidedly definitely equally important especially furthermore in fact increasingly important indeed more emphatically more important moreover most important of all most of all of great concern of major concern primarily significantly surely the crux of the matter the main issue the main problem the major reason there is no question that to emphasize to recapitulate very likely without a doubt without doubt without question Transitions Indicating an Exception however in spite of nevertheless once in a while sometimes still Transitions for Summarizing and Concluding as has been notedas I have saidas I have shownhencein briefin conclusionin shortin sum it followson the wholesumming upthe upshot of all this is thatto concludeto sum upto summarize Transitions Indicating a Concession admittedly concede that granted it is true that while it is true that naturallyof courseto be sure Transitions for Elaborating by extension in other words to elaborate to put it another way to put it bluntly to put it succinctly ultimately Please follow and like us:

A New Force in GRE Prep

A New Force in GRE Prep GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog At MyGuru, we are generally adamant that the best way to prepare for the GRE is to use official practice materials. But, until recently, the Educational Testing Service made this a bit more difficult than it needed to be. For many years GRE students have waited for this… a fully online version of the POWERPREP software that works for both PC and Mac operating systems! As of July 30, 2017, ETS will no longer require students to download or use a CD-ROM to install the buggy and computer-freezing official POWERPREP II practice exam software. In fact, you can go to the official GRE website at to experience the brand new, and cosmetically updated, POWERPREP interface right now. Access POWERPREP PLUS Online To access the new and improved free ETS official GRE practice tests you must first create an account with ETS at Once you have created your account, go to My GRE Home and proceed with the following steps: In the Test Preparation section of the page click Shop for Test Preparation Click the Add to Cart checkbox on the right side of the page to select both POWERPREP Online â€" Practice Test 1 and Practice Test 2 Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next In the Your Shopping Cart page confirm a subtotal of $0 and click Submit Return to My GRE Home In the Test Preparation section of the page click My Test Preparation and Services Click Go To Practice Test for the exam you wish to begin Enter your name and click Launch Test to begin the practice exam Use Chrome or Safari for the best experience using this new tool and be thankful that you will never again see a MS-DOS pop-up window when preparing for a standardized test! For more detailed browser and operating system parameters, visit the ETS system requirements website. More Official Practice Resources In addition to the new online interface, the folks at ETS are also finally providing more than just the same two computerized practice tests that have existed for more than a decade. With POWERPREP PLUS GRE candidates can now purchase two additional practice exams for $39.95 each, and not only that… they come with answer explanations! To purchase a POWERPREP PLUS test, follow the same instructions for the free practice exams, but select to add to your cart the POWERPREP PLUS exam(s) you wish to purchase. While this may seem a bit expensive for a single online exam, let alone one that is only accessible for 90 days after first being opened, these tests represent the gold standard in adaptable online GRE preparation. Also, these exams come with never before seen questions that will be new to even the most veteran GRE prepper. In all, this new online interface will be a great new resource for every GRE student. Looking for more online self-paced GRE practice? In our focus on 1-1 in-person GRE tutoring and our growing experience with online GRE tutoring, we generally encourage students to stick with official practice materials, like the ETS resources references above. However, if you’re looking for additional online, self-paced GRE practice, we’ve found Magoosh GRE and Prep Scholar GRE to offer high quality, relatively affordable solutions with unique features such as thousands of practice problems, full length practice tests, good video explanations, and adaptive practice. About the Author Stefan Maisnier is the Director of Online Tutoring at MyGuru.He has been tutoring graduate school candidates for more than a decade in the testing techniques he used to overcome an average undergraduate GPA to gain acceptance to Northwestern University Master's in Journalism program. He is also a published writer whose name can be found on some of the best-known print and onlinetest prep resources.

What the Chinese Year of the Horse Means for Your 2014

What the Chinese Year of the Horse Means for Your 2014 By Lauren Happy Chinese New Year 2014!The whole of China is currently awash with vibrant decorations and lively celebrations to welcome in the country’s most important date, the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. This year, the new year falls on Friday, January 31. Whether you’re currently teaching abroad in China or not, public parades are held in cities around the world, so you can still get involved in festivities to see in the Year of the Horse.The Chinese calendar passes in cycles of 12 years, with each year representing a different animal. The cycle starts with the rat, followed by ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, then finally, the pig, and then the cycle starts over. According to legend, people born under each year will possess particular personality traits and be lucky - or unlucky - in certain areas of their life. With each New Year, the new zodiac sign brings with it new strengths and challenges that will affect ever yone’s lives.The animal representing the coming year, the horse, is associated with traveling and is considered a symbol of success. A horse can transport a person to their desired destination, which translates to wishes being fulfilled in the career, love life or friendships this year. Those who were born in a previous Year of the Horse - 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918 - are forecast to experience significant development in their leadership skills and an increase in their level of authority, both at work and at home.As a sociable creature and also a powerful fire sign in Chinese folklore, the horse is known best as the romantic sign. It is widely believed that many people will experience an enhanced love life in 2014, especially horse compatible signs, the tiger and the dog. The fact that the horse is a fire sign also connects it to the color red, which is considered lucky in China.Find out more about your Chinese sign and what this year might have in store for yo u here.May the Year of the Horse bring you luck and good fortune in 2014, wherever you are in the world!

Chevron Refinery Fire West Coast Gas Prices Soar In Wake of Shutdown

Chevron Refinery Fire West Coast Gas Prices Soar In Wake of Shutdown The Richmond refinery as crews attempt to squelch the fire, courtsey of This cataclysmic image was seen by residents of the Richmond area, a suburb of San Francisco, after the horrendous explosion and subsequent Chevron refinery fire that  sent plumes of smoke over the area. The fire erupted Monday evening in the massive refinery until it was put out early Tuesday, but the entire west coast of the United States will feel the effects of this catastrophe for weeks, if not months, in their wallets. Huffington Post San Francisco has been covering this story very closely, and according to their reports,  they got chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service Tom Kloza to comment about how the  Richmond Chevron refinery is particularly big and important to the West Coast market,    produc[ing] about 150,000 barrels of gasoline a day â€" 16 percent of the regions daily gasoline consumption of 963,000 barrels. The potential for this disaster to be worse than the BP Oil Spill is limited, as fire crews have already subdued the blaze. However, thousands of residents that live within very close proximity to the refinery are complaining about health problems. Lawsuits will definitely be on the horizon and Chevron could be on the hook for millions of dollars if it is found that a lack of oversight caused the explosion. The official statement from Chevron was released through the San Franicisco Gate newspaper, and you can follow all of Chevrons updates at their website: The Gate newspaper reported that Chevron will not speculate on the cause of this incident. [The] priority right now is containing the fire and protecting the health and safety of our employees and  community. Jason Dearen of the Associated Press explained how West Coast gas prices could skyrocket in result of this loss of oil production.  Already, the  average price of regular gasoline jumped in California from $3.86 a gallon on Tuesday to $3.94 on Thursday. Dearen reports that some experts expect the disruption in production to last for weeks and push prices beyond $4 a gallon. The Richmond refinery makes upwards of 200,000 barrels per day,  accounting  for one-eighth of Californias refining capacity. Shipping to Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho, expect gas prices to bolt upwards in the next few days. Especially with the summer months creating a spike in American mileage, that will put a strain on Americans young and old. Most importantly, as Dearen found out via Rayola Dougher,  a senior economic adviser with the American Petroleum Institute. California has the cleanest burning gas in the nation, so this is definitely a market disruption. Therefore,  California can’t replace those supplies with imports from Washington state, Asia and the Gulf Coast, so it’s more difficult to ease the impact of the lost production. California, already dealing with rolling blackouts due to the excessive heat, are going to have to conserve at unprecedented rates in order to ride this blaze out and not break the bank.

Challenges of Being a Personal Tutor

Challenges of Being a Personal Tutor The private tutors enjoy wide range of benefits in tutoring services. But however they need to overcome certain professional problems to bring success in their career. Personal tutors face some problems, especially when they are new to teaching industry. We can have focused discussion on problems faced by tutors and tips to resolve those difficulties. This guide will surely help new tutors and also the experienced ones to travel in the path of tutoring career successfully. Challenge 1: Teaching may become a frustrating job Challenge 2: Struggling to gain good reputation Challenge 3: Handling “No job” days Challenge 4: Getting advanced knowledge in teaching Challenge 5: Tutor being a motivator These are top five challenges that every tutor face in their profession. On going into detailed note, Challenge 1: Teaching may become frustrating job Each student has their own learning tactics and capabilities. Some may have good practical knowledge but some students are lazy and show disinterest in studies. Students may be playful or interactive or shows interest only on subjects they like etc. It becomes duty and responsibility of personal tutors to direct them to right path. Sometimes, as a teacher, you may feel annoying to handle these kinds of students. But be patience and guide those students to excel in studies. Challenge 2: Struggling to gain good reputation As new comers to tutoring field, you may have difficulty to gain good reputation from parents/students. But remember, it takes some time to win the competition in tutoring services. Initially concentrate on your tutoring work of teaching students in interactive manner, giving them homework, providing them real time examples, having fun while studying, etc. This will surely boost energy and positive aspiration in studies. Thus you gain good name among them. Challenge 3: Handling “No job” days: You may wonder what “no job” days are about. When you are new to teaching industry, students and teachers are unaware of you and your service. At the beginning you need to promote your profile to get teaching opportunities. Therefore you need to wait for a month or two to teach students. The best technique to expose your teaching knowledge is by joining the tutoring sites like and submitting your resume. Parents and students will see your resume and hire you for their subject specifications. You need not worry or wait for long time to get teaching tasks. Challenge 4: Getting advanced knowledge in teaching When you start gaining experience, you defiantly need to enhance your teaching skills. You may suffer lacking in competition when you don’t have knowledge in advanced subjects. For this problem you may attend certification classes and become certified personal tutors. You can implement those skills while teaching students. Challenge 5: Tutor being a motivator. In case of teaching disabled students or dyslexia students, tutors should be motivators. You may face difficulties while handling those students for first time. Analyze the nature of students, their learning capability and then teach them in their own ways. Therefore students feel relaxed and enjoy studying. You can say some encouraging stories in between studies. Hence you will become the most favorite tutor for them. To be a tutor is a gift and tutoring is one of the best services. Follow these techniques in your tutoring career to bring happy tutoring opportunities to you.